Coffee Times Story Series | Anjali ( Part I )[English]

  March 18th 2016

Not everything you want, turns out to be the way you wish.

Waking up to the sweet voice of her lovely mom, Anjali came back to reality from her dreams of royalty.

Yes, Anjali was a small town girl. Hailing from a small place, around 50kms from Vizag, Anjali had to move to Mumbai because of her dad’s commitments. Initially, she had 2nd thoughts of moving to this City of dreams. But eventually, the taunts of her mischievous friends intrigued her. Rather brought glitter in her thoughts of shifting her base. After all, she was the only girl visiting a big city in her circle. So, finally she reaches the city. Sapnon ki maya nagri, Mumbai.

Since, her dream is broken now, she wakes up and gets ready for her 1st day in school. She was good in her academics and stuff. So, she didn’t want to be back even in discipline. 

Coming out of her house, she realized that Life is not always a fairytale. Since, she was very much pampered as a child, this sudden change and modern surroundings shocked her.

Anjali struggled to reach her school, coz she was geographically challenged.

At the school gate, she saw girls with short skirts ending above their knees getting down from huge cars. Guys getting down from their monstrous bikes, yelling, hugging, getting cozy, weird accent and all of this was very new to her. And she was astonished to see not even a single guy or girl with the 1st button of their shirts put on, or any one with school shoes except for sneakers.

Now, finding her class room seemed to be a huge task for her. So, she got this preconceived notion of asking someone thinking that someone would actually help her.12C, she said reaching out to a girl, who was busy chewing her gum. Sharon saw Anjali from head to toe and left the place ignoring her.

Anjali felt naked. Though she was the most dressed girl of the whole lot, she felt bare. 

Not everyone you see would help you. So, don’t you dare even expect.

Her eye lashes became wet coz of this encounter.

She still went ahead with the thought of never lose hope, never lose faith. Both within yourself.

   The mere encounters in the college turned out to indimidate this small town girl.Will this new girl turn out to b the same way ???????
Or Will she help dis girl to blossom or will it let her shrivel...????????

Have to stand by till next week! :)


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  1. So finally our decision makes the destiny.

  2. Wow beautiful writer and imagination will b waiting till next week

  3. I am not really that fond of reading blogs, but this really makes good content.I am really eager to know the next episode of this coffee times. I really appreciate the way you put this Ravi Teja.Do start some things like this so that the people like me also start loving this stuff! :p all the best:) good vocab(y) keep writing moreee:)

    1. Yo Kavya... Thnx for ur motive.. Will keep up

  4. Super start bhai!!!! All the best...
